3 Body Problem: Do you believe in aliens?

 3 Body Problem

Are aliens real?

 Well, I have several theories based on my 17 years of deeeep contemplation ....

1) Aliens don't yet exist. Their planet might be in the Mesozoic Era (a.k.a Age of Dinosaurs) and no living things can yet think as much as we do to develop technology.
2) Aliens already exist, but their speed of development and evolution is too slow (Remember the theory of relativity and time dilation!) that we cannot discover each other.
3) There is no alien.
4) Our universe is designed to make aliens "undiscoverable." 

This one is what I've been thinking very recently.
Imagine the characters in video games. 
What is the difference between them and us humans?

They cannot think, and we can think.

But, the beings living in a higher dimension (higher than our 3-dimension world) might have something greater than "thinking."

Just like we use rats to investigate rats, they might be fostering us and watching us to investigate about "humans".
Just like we set rules in video games, they might have set rules called "maths" and "physics" in our world.
They might be watching us on a huge screen - yes, just like "Truman Show" !

Anyway, if you have other theories, please share them with me :) (or if you are aliens spying on Earth...)

This movie that I will be introducing to you today is called "3 Body Problem." Because this series was released during my exam period (which was about 2 months....), I had a painful time suppressing my desire to watch it. Now, I finally watched it, and I can't wait to share my thoughts with you. 

Let's begin 

Key art for Season 1 of ‘3 Body Problem’ showing a close-up eye

Title: 3 Body Problem

Director: Derek Tsang

Cast: Benedict Wong (one of my favourite actors. Remember "Benedict Wong" from Doctor Strange? It's him!), Jess Hong, Jovan Adepo, Eiza González

Genre: Fantasy Drama, Mystery thriller, Science Fiction

Original Work: <The three-body problem> by Liu Cixin

Language: English

Episodes: 6

My Rating: 7.5/10


넷플릭스 1위 '삼체' 뭐길래…시청도 못하는 대륙서 난리났다 | 중앙일보

Aren't human beings, which deplete Earth's resources and make the most of its species extinct, the planet's greatest enemies? This theme has been covered in many movies.

 The main character, Ye Wenjie, sees herself isolated as a child for having different ideologies during China's Cultural Revolution, and questions arise as to whether human beings really deserve to continue to exist.
3 Body Problem': Does Ye Wenjie regret her decision? We asked the actors  who play her

Ye Wenjie, who worked for the group that gathered Chinese astrophysicists and tried to contact aliens, accidentally becomes the first human on Earth to succeed in contacting the San-Ti. She believes that human nature is originally evil. Meanwhile, she secretly delivers this message to the San-Ti:

"Come. We cannot save ourselves. I will help you conquer this world."

Without knowing what this decision will do in the future, she does what determines the fate of the planet by herself. 

The San-Ti planet does not have a constant gravity because there are three suns around their planet, and as soon as they are worried about planet migration due to the barrenness of the planet, they decide to move to Earth after receiving a message from Ye Wenjie. 

What is the three-body problem? The chaotic, cosmic mathematics behind the  Netflix TV show

However, it takes more than 400 years to arrive on Earth from the planets of the San-Ti. The main character, Ye Wenjie, creates a secret organisation to help them over generations. She receives transmission of technology and science from San-Ti that enable real-time communication with them. Using such technology, they secretly kill Earth's scientists and prevent the people on Earth from further developing science and technology. This is because when the San-Ti arrive on Earth 400 years later, human science and technology must not be further advanced than the San-Ti.

Meanwhile, strange things happen to the Earth. The stars in the night sky being to "blink" like fluorescent lights, bizarre natural phenomena begin to occur, and the laws of physics we know being to crumble. Science is destroyed and infidels begin to form.

How did the stars flicker in '3 Body Problem'? The global deepfake  explained. | Mashable

The Ability to Lie

Earth's leaders find out that aliens are listening to humans moving in real-time like CCTV even in distant galaxies (the San-Ti has developed something called Sophons). Soon they despair, but at the same time, humans discover that there is no such thing as lying in the world of the San-Ti at all. In other words, they can't read our thoughts unless we spit out what's going on in our heads. 

As a result, humanity grants the three human representatives called the Wallfacers, who make all decisions on Earth. Named after the ancient Buddhist name for meditators, the Wallfacers are an intelligence group, brought together to defend humanity from the Santi Invasion. 

What is the Wallfacer Project in 3 Body Problem? - Dexerto

In other words, the three people who have been elected as representatives of humanity will think of a strategy to fight against the San-Ti, and there is no need to consult / approve it with anyone. Crucially, the trio must concoct a plan only in their minds and refrain from telling anyone else their plans due to the Santi's constant surveillance of humanity. 

The moment they utter their plans to anyone else, they're no longer safe, as the Santi know humanity's every move - but they cannot read human minds. 

The Wallfacers are also given top-level authority and security clearance, with it being declared that they never need to explain their actions or commands and they must be equipped with anything they need without question. 

Can these three Wallfacers strategize on behalf of mankind and build a human civilization that will surprass them in time for their arrival in 400 years? 

I wrote the plot as briefly as possible, but the actual content is more scientific and detailed. If you were fascinated while reading this, check it out on Netflix!

Fun points and reviews of Netflix's "3 Body Problems"

1. A dilemma about the timing of war

Personally, I don't like obvious stories about aliens. That is, the plot where the leaders of the countries who were at odds at first suddenly join forces to make weapons, and some of the heroes beat the alines - Ta-da!

Of course, the basic theme of Netflix "3 Body Problem" is to defeat aliens by joining forces with everyone on Earth. However, the timing is not now. It takes 400 years for aliens to reach Earth - which is very unique and original. Currently, all surviving humans will die to the end of their lives without being able to see the San-Ti. It is not until the great-grandchild of my great-grandchild that the San-Ti arrive and the life or death of the Earth is determined. However, the mankind makes the decision to sacrifice the present. Will you able to sacrifice all your resources and life for 400 years?

Netflix's 3 Body Problem: The science explained by an astrophysicist - Vox

2. The strategy of mankind to prepare the war against the San-Ti

What kind of strategy would you take if a technologically advanced alien invaded 400 years later? Would you like to advance science and technology and create a powerful weapon?

However, there is a huge problem in this plan: no matter what technological advancement we make, technological advancement is made through human conversation and discussion. However, alien civilization listens to all of our conversations in real time through their sophons, and they can also develop one step ahead of time according to the speed of development.

Does Netflix's 3 Body Problem live up to the hype? | CBC Arts

As a result, humans abandon the unique way humans have developed for thousands of years. 

They give up sharing knowledge. 

Only by believing in the strategies of the chosen wallfacers planned in their brains and not questioning what choices they make, each human individual decides to become an assistant or an accessory, just like a worker ant for a queen ant. 

3. The authority of the Wallfacers

As I said before, anything is possible for the wallfacers. The wallfacers announced in the series are:

1. Generaal Hou Bolin, the renowned author of books on military history
2. Professor Leila Ariç, a soldier who rose to prominence fighting ISIS in Raqqa
3. Saul Duran, a trained physicist 

 The last and third person who is close to a normal person who studies at university is selected as the wallfacer. 


The reason is that it was found out that the San-Ti was trying to kill him. 

"There must be something about him. That's why the San-Ti is trying to kill him." 

So, the wallfacers are announced to the world, and they come up with their own strategies. However, this last wallfacer, Saul Durand, refuses his new status as the wallfacer several times, saying he doesn't understand why he became the wallfacer. 

3 Body Problem' Ending Explained: All Your Questions Answered

But Earth's leaders say that his rejection will also be a small part of his big strategy, and that we should not understand his ideas. 

The story ends with final episode of 3 Body Problem which follows Saul Durand's journey to being named a Wallfacer. 3 Body Problem Season 1 ends here, but Saul, who seemed to have the lowest probability in the series, eventually finds a revolutionary solution to save humanity in the novel. 

I expect 3 Body Problem season 2 to be released soon, so I will come back with the ending of the real story with a new post on 3 Body Problem season 2. 

4. Unexpected Storyline

Watching the first episode of this series reminded me of the movie "Contact" - one of the best sci-fi movies ever. It's not simply a movie about a war against aliens; it is very interesting to see how groups of people who encounter aliens start to divide as conflicts arise. It's like watching a kind of social experiment.

Eventually, the Earth and the San-Ti get destroyed by one's foolishness, similar to the movie "Mist" and the novel "Lord of the flies" which illustrate how humans trapped in extreme conditions bloom their violence. 

3 Body Problem Season 2: '3 Body Problem': What will Season 2 be all about?  - The Economic Times

In my opinion, Netflix series "3 Body Problem" is a very well-made series. It is not full with clichés like other alien movies and it is very original. The only thing that I didn't like was the slow pace. But it was endurable, and didn't disturb me a lot. I enjoyed watching it a lot and I can't wait for season 2 where all the mysteries will finally be solved!

FYI: A video about solving the three body problem! (It's very very interesting)

And this is a website that explains three body problem with physics. 
